Dry, chapped skin in the winter is very common, but this homemade milk mask can fix that in a pinch! 
Dry skin can be attributed to a number of things including but not limited to dry, cold weather, environmental pollution, overuse of products, or just genetics. Thankfully, there ARE ways to get dry skin back to its soft and supple ways and this homemade milk mask will do just that! Made with all natural ingredients, this mask will hydrate, soften, and perfect skin after just one use!

Homemade Milk Mask for Dry Skin Recipe


  • 1 tsp powdered milk
  • 1 tbsp runny honey
  • 1 tsp aloe vera gel
  • 2 drops essential oil of your choice (we like lavender for this recipe, because of its calming and soothing properties)


  1. In a small bowl, mix all ingredients until well combined.
  2. Apply to a clean face and neck and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  4. Use 2-3 times a week to hydrate dry, parched skin.

Benefits of Homemade Milk Mask:

Powdered milk contains lactic acid which helps to naturally remove build-up dead skin cells and reveal softer skin.
Honey is antibacterial and anti-septic, and will prevent any breakouts, but will also hydrate dry skin.
Aloe Vera is a natural soother and healer, and is one of the most amazing ingredients you can use on dry skin.
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