Articles by "DIY"
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1.Face peeling
Baking soda is excellent choice for those who have sensitive skin that reacts to perfumed peelings. Or if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on these products, you can try this recipe. Make a paste consisted of ¾ of baking soda and ¼ of water. Using this mixture you can remove dead cells from the surface of your face, without worrying that your face will scrape – baking soda is gentle.


Baking soda is the best alternative way since the deodorant are so talked about how harmful they are. You can use baking soda combined with a few drops of baking soda to absorb unpleasant odor.

Baking soda is the perfect shampoo if you have hair that gets oily, very quickly, or if you use a lot of products for shaping hair. You can use this shampoo from time to time. This shampoo will remove any accumulated hair product debris and will make your hair mild, soft and beautiful. You can make it while you are showering, put a shampoo in your hand and add a teaspoon of baking soda and apply on the hair.
4.Shampoo for dry hair
If you need to quickly refresh your hair in the morning, when you do not have much time, you can use spray for dry washing hair, or, of course, baking soda. Use it as baby powder, apply a bit on the hair roots (but do not exaggerate because your hair will look white) leave it to act for a few minutes in order to absorb the particles that make it look oily, and then give your scalp a good massage. Next step is to comb your hair.

Excellent recipe for making toothpaste at home and of course has positive effects. Mix baking soda with 3% hydrogen in ratio, so that you get a thick paste. This mixture will whiten your teeth, and baking soda itself has similar properties. However, do not use this mixture too often because it can damage your enamel.

6.Body peeling
Since is good for the face peeling, it is good as well and for body peeling. Take one empty bottle or pack of body care product. Fill the bottle or the pack halfway with baking soda and add 25 drops of essential oil, then add water to fill the container.

Make your own pedicure relaxing treatment. Put your feet in a hot water and previously add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and stir to dissolve. Add some essential oil for example, lavender because it has relaxing properties. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. After this make a peeling for the feet using the same mixture as for the face peeling.

8.Coating for soothing burns
This mixture is very useful for sunburns, because helps to reduce the heat and to renew the skin and of course helps to decrease pain. Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of baking soda in one liter water, then soak clean soft cloth and apply on the critical area as covering. Replace the cloth after becomes dry and warm.
When Listerine was first created it was not only supposed to be used as a mouthwash, but it was to have other variety of uses as well.
The Listerine was invented in 1879 and it was a surgical antiseptic used for different purposes. It was not only until the 1970s when it was marketed as a mouthwash against bad breath.
Therefore, we are here to present you with some other uses of the Listerine that you might find useful. Just keep reading.
Listerine: Incredible And Surprising Uses Every Woman Should Know

Other Interesting Uses of Listerine

Fights Acne

You can apply it twice a day on acne and the Listerine will make the face all clear and shiny.

Disinfects the Toothbrush

If you soak the toothbrush in this ingredient and leave it for a few hours, it will be disinfected.

Fights Dandruff

If you massage some of this ingredinet on the scalp and wrap your hair in a towel and rinse afterwards, it will help you fight dandruff.

Treats Toenail Fungus

Prepare a Listerine foot bath and soak the feet inside for half and hour and the toenail fungus will be a problem of the past.

Cleans the Toilet

Pour some of this ingredinet in a bowl and use a toothbrush to scrub the toilet. It will be all white and fresh again.

Soothes Bug Bites and Itchiness

If you dab some of this ingredient on the bug bites, you will relieve the itchiness. This is very helpful against posion ivy or poison oak stings.

Fights Underarm Bacteria and Odor

Pour some Listerine on a small cloth and dab the underarms to fight bacteria and have a nice smell.

Eliminates Garbage Odors

You should soak a paper towel in this ingredient and just put it in the trash to get rid of the awful smeels and make it nice and fresh.

Gets Rid of Fleas on the Dog

Rub some of it on the dog to eliminate the fleas, instead of using expensive products full of chemicals.

Cleans Your Screens

Just spray it on a soft cloth and use it to clean the dirt and fingertips on the screens on the TV and computer.
It is evident that the Listerine has many other uses, apart from it being a mouthwash. Thus, the next time you purchase it, have in mind that you can use it for a plethora of other uses as well.
Eliminate scratches on cars
Rub the areas gently with toothpaste and a soft cloth.
20 Amazing Tricks with Toothpaste

Hang posters
When you do not have adhesive tape, you can use toothpaste for this. Apply some on the sides of the poster and then stick it onto the wall. Removing the poster will not damage the wall.
Scratched DVDs and CDs
In case your favorite CD or DVD does not work because of a scratch, rub some toothpaste onto the spot.
Cleanse thermoses
To get rid of the bad odor from thermoses, fill it with water and some toothpaste and shake it well and then rinse it with water and dish soap. The smell will be gone.
Hand washer
If you chopped onions and you cannot get rid of the odor with regular hand soap, wash them with some toothpaste.
Remove nail polish stains
Rub some toothpaste onto the nails to clean them completely and improve their look.
Carpet stains
Even the most stubborn stains like those from coffee can be rubbed off with toothpaste.
Clean footwear
Make your old shoes as new and also eliminate any odor by cleaning them with toothpaste.
Clean your smartphone
Rub it gently with the help of some toothbrush and a cloth.
Clean the iron
If there are any stains on your iron, do not worry, toothpaste can help you remove them.
Get rid of acne and pimples
Apply some toothpaste onto the acne or pimples overnight.
Alleviate insect bites
Rub some toothpaste onto the affected area to lower the itchiness and discomfort.
Dye stains
Remove them with the help of a cloth and some toothpaste.
Ink stains
Apply toothpaste onto the stain, leave it overnight, and in the morning, wash the shirt or blouse in the machine.
Table stains
Stains from water can be cleaned easily with it.
Prevent fogginess on swimming goggles
Before using them, clean them with toothpaste.
Clean dirt from shoes
Toothpaste is one of the best ingredients for a thorough shoe cleanse.
Polish silver
If there are any stains on your silver, clean it with toothpaste that will also restore its shine.
Clean car headlights
Rub toothpaste and wipe them with a cloth. The headlights will be shinier than ever before!
Scrub dirty piano keys
Rub them to remove stains easily.
Anyone who has ever gone through the suffering of an ingrown nail knows the pain is real. But the pain is not the worst part. The worst part is that you can’t use your toes as you normally do, which can definitely be annoying and irritating. Our usual daily movement is hampered, and even worse, we aggravate the nail, even more, when we move.
How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Toenail: Natural Remedies!!!!
There is no age or gender limit for ingrown toenails. They can appear at any age, and it is one of the most common toenail problems. The Latin name for this painful condition is onychocryptosis. If not properly cared for, an ingrown toenail can cause even more problems and become infected. There are many causes for an ingrown toenail, but mainly they include improper nail cutting technique. With that in mind, let’s look at the causes of this irritating condition.

Common causes of ingrown toenail

As mentioned previously, the main reason for ingrown toenails is improper nail cutting technique. But there are many more. Here is a quick list:
  • Wearing tight-fitting footwear
  • Anatomical factors like thickening of the nail plate
  • Wearing shoes that crowd the toenails (such as heels)
  • Injuries to the toenail
  • Having unusually curved toenails
  • Trauma
  • Pressure from abutting digits caused by hallux valgus
  • Lesser toe deformities
  • Outgrowth of bone from the tip of the toe

Symptoms of ingrown toenails

Before we go into the discussion about how to get rid of ingrown toenails, let’s take a look at the symptoms. Are you sure you have an ingrown toenail? The symptoms are the following:
  • Redness around the toenail
  • Swelling of your toe around the nail
  • Pain and tenderness in the toe
  • Infection of the tissue around the toenail
The good news is that there are many natural ways to treat an ingrown toenail. However, for a severe case, usually, the only remedy is surgery. But in stages one and two, surgery is not needed.

Natural remedies for getting rid of ingrown toenail

The best way to treat an ingrown toenail naturally is to understand the condition. This common condition causes the corner or side of a toenail to grow into the soft skin flesh. As mentioned previously, ingrown toenails can be classified into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. Mild cases are accompanied by pain with pressure, nail fold swelling, erythema, and edema. Moderate cases manifest with drainage, infection, ulceration of the nail fold, and increased swelling. Severe cases can lead to chronic inflammation and granulation. Here are some remedies to try.

Soaking the foot

One of the simplest and easiest ways to get rid of an ingrown toenail is to soak the foot in warm, soapy water. In addition to getting rid of the toenail, this method will help keep the area clean and free of bacteria. Repeat three to four times per day. If you like, you can add Epsom salt to soften your skin.

Wash your foot

If soaking doesn’t work, and you don’t have time to repeat it three to four times per day, washing the foot is a good option as well. Use a castile soap to wash the affected area two times per day. Soap and water are all you need. Castile soap has natural ingredients and keeps the foot clean.

The power of apple cider vinegar

There are very few skin conditions that apple cider vinegar can’t help with. But when it comes to ingrown toenails, awash with ACV will definitely help you. Thanks to its natural ingredients, ACV is a great natural treatment. All you have to do is add ¼ cup to a warm water soak. You can also apply ACV directly on the affected area (however, make sure to dilute the vinegar with purified water). Thanks to the vinegar’s antibacterial characteristics, ACV keeps the area clean and helps it heal.

Call the big boys

When you are dealing with a moderate case of the ingrown toenail, the best thing to do is call in the big boys. That means adding essential oils to the mix. You can mix any of the following with a carrier oil like coconut: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil, clove, and Cyprus oil. Blend them together, and then gently massage the affected area.

Dental floss

Dental floss is not beneficial just for your teeth. You can actually floss your nails as well! Place dental floss under the ingrown nail edge and try to lift up the corner of the nail digging into the skin. You can actually shift the nail to grow in the correct direction with dental floss.

Avoid high heels

This is more of a prevention and precautionary measure, but avoid wearing high heels and tight shoes. At least try not to do it on a daily basis and for more than 5 hours per day. Heels and tight shoes put more pressure on the area. If you already have an ingrown nail, avoid wearing heels until the area heals.

The best homemade remedy

We mentioned previously that you can use essential oils for moderate cases of ingrown toenails. If you really want to take things to the next level, we recommend a homemade recipe. Here are the ingredients:
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil
  • 5 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 drop of oregano oil
  • 2 drops of peppermint oil
  • 2 ounces of coconut oil
  • 2 ounces of aloe vera gel
How to make it:
  1. Mix all ingredients in a glass. Get a small spoon, and stir the ingredients until well blended.
  2. Cleanse and rinse your toe, and then apply the ointment to the affected area.
  3. Let the solution dry and wear flip-flops while drying.
  4. Repeat the treatment two to three times per day. Wash your hands after applying the treatment.

How to cut an ingrown toenail

If you want to cut your ingrown toenail at home, you need some help. You have to be very careful, as there are many challenges. Cutting the nail can be difficult, but here is a step-by-step guide to doing it carefully and without any risk:
  • Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom salt for 20 minutes. This will soften the skin and the toenail and prepare you for the next step.
  • Wash your hands. Using clean fingers, push back the swollen skin carefully. Don’t force it back more than the skin allows. Expect some pain and discomfort.
  • Cut the nail straight across. You can start with the edges, and then cut the nail from the side. Never cut it from the middle.
  • Place a small piece of cotton between your skin and the ingrown nail to help the nail to grow correctly.
  • Avoid wearing socks while you are at home while the nail heals and recovers.
  • Change the cotton daily to prevent infection.

Risks you should know about

There are many risks associated with ingrown toenails, such as anatomic and behavioral mechanisms. Some studies show that wider nail folds and thinner, flatter nails may increase the risk for development of ingrown toenails.
Repetitive trauma, which includes running and kicking, is another risk factor. To prevent trauma from running, purchase quality running shoes that fit and accommodate all of your nails properly.
During adolescence, feet perspire more often, which causes the skin and nails to become soft. As a result, they split easily and produce nail spicules that can pierce the lateral skin.
Diabetes and similar conditions that cause poor blood flow to your feet increase the risk of developing ingrown toenails. Diabetes and poor blood flow will also increase the risk of complications from your ingrown toenail.
If left undetected, the ingrown toenail can infect the bone and lead to serious bone infection.
Those unaesthetic signs (scars) left by small cuts, acne or minor burns can be diminished with natural remedies. Scars can appear after a wound but you can easily get rid of it.

The Best Effective Ways To Fade Away Scars Of Any Kind!!!

Raw Potatoes

Potatoes have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to fast skin healing and protect against infections. In addition, potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals that revitalize the skin.
Grate 1 raw potato and apply the paste on the affected area of your skin. Allow it to act for 30 minutes then rinse the face with lukewarm water. It’s good to apply the treatment every night before bedtime.

Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter contains essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which hydrates the skin well. It also helps alleviate scars and reduce the effect of free radicals on the skin. Put some cocoa butter on the affected area and massage until it enters deep in the skin. Repeat the process 3 times a day.
Here’s how simple is to use natural ingredients to get rid of scars of any kind. Try one of these methods and see which works better! Or you can alternate both.
The beauty industry has tried hard in the past several years to sell products that help reduce the signs and effects of aging. And they’ve succeeded. Now, while I have nothing against people who want to spend a small fortune on beauty products, I want to tell you that there are natural solutions for any skin problem.

Here 7 Ways To Reduce Wrinkles & Look Younger!!!!
And that includes wrinkles as well. Now, bear in mind, there is no magic wand for turning back the clock. You can’t look like you are 20-something years old when you are in your 40s. But you can look beautiful for your age.
Keep in mind that harsh treatments and chemicals can make matters worse in some cases. So, instead of buying injections and chemical peels that will take a toll on your wallet, let’s look at some of the natural solutions. I just have to warn you that the results don’t come overnight. Your skin reflects your overall health, and if you aren’t healthy, it’s only logical that you’ll have some skin problems.
SEE ALSO: Essential Oils for Wrinkles: How to Slow the Aging Process
Chronic stress, toxins in your food, chemicals in the environment, lifestyle choices—all of these affect the condition of your skin. Change one, and you’ll feel better. Change them all, and you’ll glow!

1. Stop smoking

One of the biggest causes of wrinkles and other signs of aging skin is smoking. All right, all right—some of us have to smoke every now and then. But cigarettes are full of toxins that affect the condition of your skin. Smoking will make you look much older than you actually are. Smoking affects the vascular system along with your skin pigmentation, elasticity, texture, brightness, and presence of lines.
When you stop smoking, you can’t turn back the clock. Your skin won’t look shiny from Day 1. But give it some time, and as your body flushes out the toxins, you’ll look much better.

2. Aloe vera gel

I said at the beginning that the beauty industry is trying hard to sell you $100+ products. All of them contain aloe vera gel. If you don’t believe me, just look at the labels. Aloe is a staple in skin care products. Facial wrinkles improve dramatically when you apply aloe vera gel on them. You can also consume aloe vera supplements.
The gel increases collagen production. And we know collagen is the most important ingredient for healthy skin. When your body produces enough collagen, your skin has better structural support. In addition, aloe prevents collagen from becoming damaged in the first place. With more than just phytonutrients, aloe vera gel will take care of everything skin-related.
As mentioned previously, you can apply the gel topically, but also add it to a smoothie.

3. Red ginseng extract

The ingredients in red ginseng extract include antioxidants, anti-aging agents, and immune boosters. With so many beneficial nutrients, the extract is widely considered to be one of the best natural remedies for wrinkles.
In addition to wrinkles, red ginseng will also improve the elasticity of your skin and help with pigmentation. Similar to aloe vera gel, the extract improves the production of collagen and increases collagen synthesis in the dermis.
In the Asian and Korean cultures, red ginseng has been known for many years to improve circulation. You can find it in tinctures, powders, capsules, and liquid extracts. I recommend tinctures as the best solution.

4. Pine bark extract

Pine bark extract will counteract the signs of skin aging. It’s available in most health food stores, but also online. An effective and safe solution, pine bark extract improves skin color and reduces pigmentation of age spots.
In addition to helping your skin health, pine bark extract will also improve your heart health, arterial health, and brain function.

5. Sleep on your back

I’ve already mentioned that certain lifestyle habits affect the health of your skin, and the way you sleep is one of them. Try to sleep on your back. If you aren’t used to it, work it slowly—you’ll get there eventually.
Sleeping on your stomach or side can cause sleep lines. They are etched into your skin, and they don’t disappear when you get up. As time passes, these lines will become a permanent facial fixture. In addition to sleeping on your back, make sure you purchase silk sheets and pillowcases to lessen the effect of sleep lines.
And if you need scientific proof, the American Academy of Dermatology has warned against stomach and side sleeping for years.

6. Change your diet

What you eat is what appears on your skin. You know the saying “you are what you eat”? Well, it’s true for wrinkles. As a general rule of thumb, you need dietary fat and vegetables. That means you need to consume more green and yellow vegetables. Doing that will reduce the number of wrinkles on your face.
As for fats, there are good fats and bad fats. Make sure to include good fats in your diet. You can source them from grass-fed meat, dairy products, fish, pastured poultry, eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, and other omega-3 rich foods.
As for vegetables, you want those that are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene. They include spinach, broccoli, kale, yellow bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, winter squash, Swiss chard, mustard greens, cabbage, collards, and arugula.

7. Cut back on sugar

For your last lifestyle change, you need to lower the amount of sugar you consume. If you didn’t know it by now, sugar is one of the biggest causes of health problems. High sugar consumption leads to obesity, diabetes, heart problems, cardiovascular problems, and so on.
But sugar also affects our skin, and consuming a lot of sugar leads to facial wrinkles. The link is in a process called glycation, which is the chemical process that occurs when your blood sugar levels are very high. The molecules circulate in the blood, and they bind to other components.
When you reduce your sugar consumption, you improve your overall health. But in terms of skin problems, you protect your collagen and elastin. When either of those two is damaged, wrinkles appear. One important note: when you are trying to lower sugar consumption, make sure to check for foods with hidden sugar—you might be eating sugar without knowing it.
Many women from around the world have various issues with their hair! Well, you shouldn’t be the worry as below we are going to present you simple trick that will make your hair strong and it will look really beautiful.
Amazing Trick: A Girl Put Aluminum Foil After Washing Her Hair, The Best Hairdressers Of The World Will Want This Trick!!!!
For the preparation of this recipe, you will need are completely natural ingredients. This is very simple for preparation but yet effective method. All you should do is to follow the simple instructions. Here’s the procedure:
You will need the following ingredients:
First of all squeeze the lemon, orange or the grapefruit. After that, add banana into a blender and mix well with 2l of milk. Apply the resulted mixture on your hair and cover your hair with aluminum foil.
Leave the mixture to act about 30 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo, as usual.
This incredibly powerful mixture will make your hair shiny, healthy and beautiful. In addition to this, this combination will remove dandruff, as well. We guarantee that you will be amazed by the results.
Coconut oil is one of the most versatile and beneficial natural products you can use, and here are 19 ways to use it, in and out of the kitchen:

10+ Genius Ways You’ve Probably Never Used Coconut Oil Before!!!

Cooking Oil
The World’s Healthiest Foods claims that coconut oil has a higher smoke point, so excellent for cooking.

Coconut oil effectively regulates cholesterol levels, treats heart issues, prevents digestive problems and does not clog the arteries. It is quickly absorbed by the body and used for energy. Therefore, add it to your smoothies and enjoy its flavor and taste.

Cast Iron Maintenance
Rub some coconut oil on the iron cookware to season it. It has a higher burn rate and prevents sticking.

Weight Loss
This amazing oil will accelerate metabolism, curb your food cravings, and provide more energy to exercise.

Shaving Cream
Apply some coconut oil and go in for a close shave. This will prevent cuts and will leave the skin smooth and soft.

Insect Repellent
Mix it with your favorite essential oil and use it as a natural insect repellent.

Treat Itches
Apply some coconut oil on the itchy areas to soothe them. You can also use it in the case of eczema and itchy scalp.

Treat Acne

Its natural antibacterial properties quickly heal acne, and the anti-inflammatory qualities will soothe the puffiness and redness.

Athlete’s Foot

Spread some coconut oil on the foot a few times daily to treat athlete’s foot, and its powerful antifungal properties will treat all issues on the feet.

Store-bought deodorants are full of dangerous chemicals, so you should find an easy recipe and prepare your own, natural coconut oil deodorant.

Head Lice
Coconut oil is an effective way to fight head lice. Just massage it into the hair and scalp and leave it to act during the night. In the morning, comb the hair well. And wash as usual.

Diaper Rash
Coconut oil forms a natural barrier which will heal diaper rashes and prevent new ones.

Furniture Polish

Commercial furniture polishes are often loaded with cancer-causing agents, like phenol and nitrobenzene. Therefore, start using coconut oil to polish the furniture and prevent cracks on it.

Fire Starter

Soak a cotton ball or a bit of toilet paper in coconut oil and you will get a simple and easy fire starter.

Rub a bit of this oil on the door of your office chair to stop the squeaky sounds.

Makeup Remover

Rub it on the face to remove makeup and hydrate the skin.


Mix coconut oil with a bit of baking soda and a drop of peppermint oil, and prepare your all-natural, teeth-whitening toothpaste.

Bulletproof Coffee
Add it to your coffee for a batter flavor and more nutrients. It will strengthen your immune system, accelerate metabolism, and boost your energy levels.

Remove Sticky Stuff

Mix it with some baking soda and rub them on the sticky area. Then, rub off in order to remove it
Face masks that include banana keep your skin super soft and smooth and they are the perfect homemade beauty treatment for persons who have dry, oily, and sensitive skin. 

3 DIY Banana Face Mask For Wrinkles, Acne and Bright Skin
Bananas are perfect for the skin. This fruit is full of vitamins and minerals, so it’s no surprise that the face mask made of it is particularly popular as a skin problems corrector. It’s also said that the banana face mask is a natural Botox to treat wrinkles or fine lines.

Banana contains vitamin C that are able to
Help to boost the healthy collagen production that is causing firmer skin.
Reduce the irritation and inflammation, both of which are causing a cascade of damage.
Reduce the appearance of the brown spots and some other types of sun damage.
Fade post-breakout black and red marks by improving the natural healing response of the skin.
Increase the effectiveness of your sunscreens and it also boosts your skin’s defense against the exposure of UV rays.
Plenty of antioxidants and manganese that are present in banana protect the body from damage that is caused by oxygen free radicals that lead to premature aging of the skin.
The Vitamin A that is present in the banana restores the lost moisture and it also repairs the damaged, dry and dull skin.
Banana helps hydrate your skin and prevents it from peeling and drying.
This fruit is full of anti-oxidants, it not just helps to get rid of dead skin but it also leaves it feeling rejuvenated.
Banana contains vitamin A that could help reduce inflammation and also treat acne.


Few slices or half of small ripe banana
Half a tablespoon baking soda
Half a tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Peel off the ripe banana and mash it with tablespoon.
Now you need to mix all the ingredients well and apply to previously cleansed face.
Keep it for about 10-15 minutes and rinse it off after giving a gentle massage for around 2-3 minutes to your skin.
Repeat it for two times a week for good result.

The paste of banana and baking soda for face really works wonder on the acne. It kills the bacteria that are causing acne combined with lemon that is also a great acne fighter. Baking soda and lemon have anti-inflammation goods that minimize the swelling of the acne, and it maintains the pH of the skin.


Several slices or half of small ripe banana
A tablespoon of thick yogurt
Half a tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Peel off the ripe banana and mash it with the tablespoon.
Now mix well all the ingredients and apply to previously cleansed face.
Keep it on your face for 25-30 minutes and then rinse it off after giving a gentle massage for around 2-3 minutes to your skin.
Repeat this procedure for 3-4 times in a week for good result.

Bananas are very rich in nutrients that are very beneficial for the skin. Latest researches proved that bananas are great for soothing the wrinkles.

Several slices or half of small ripe banana
A tablespoon of honey
You need to peel off the ripe banana and mash it with tablespoon.
Now mix all the honey and apply to your previously cleansed face.
Keep it for about 15-20 minutes and massage it gently for 2-3 minutes to your skin. Afterwards rinse it off.
Repeat it the procedure two times a week for best result.

This mask is going to nourish and revitalize the dry skin as well as smoothen the rough and aging skin. The banana face mask is going to gently nourish, cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize all types of skin.

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Millions of people around the world have problems with loss of hair. This is not only an aesthetical problem because in most cases it impacts the self-confidence of people. 
My Sister Used This Remedy And Had To Stop as it Made Her Hair Grow Like Crazy!
The main reason for hair loss is lack of nutrients, air pollution, improper care and hygiene, use of products that contain chemicals, and of course, genetics. The best ways to prevent hair loss and damage to your hair consider consuming healthy diet and less use of the hairdryer. Also try to avoid using harmful products for treatment of hair which contain chemicals.

You can use many natural solutions and ingredients instead of the harmful products such as shampoos which contain chemical compound in it. This recipe that we are going to present to you is extremely effective and 100% natural. It can help you regrow your hair in few months and will make it shine again.

Consider to be patient with this remedy because it requires consistency. Many people that have tried this remedy have reported the amazing results they got from the use of it. We encourage you to try it and see the results yourself.


Castor oil – 2 tablespoons
Egg yolk
Honey – 1 tablespoon

You should mix all ingredients well until you get fine smooth homogenous mixture. Apply this mixture on your hair, but make sure you apply it on your scalp as well. Massage your scalp gently while you apply it. After you have managed to apply it thoroughly put a shower cap and leaves it for three hours. Afterwards you should rinse your hair and repeat this method twice a week. You will be amazed by the results of this remedy.

If you like this remedy, please share it with your friends and let us know!
This formidable vegetable may make you cry a bucket of tears but as much as that seems a negative aspect, the Onion has a variety of benefits too. It is a scientific fact that Onions have a number of health properties due to the concentration of substances called polyphenols and flavonoids in them.
Polyphenols are vital in prevention of diabetes, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease. As a prebiotic, Polyphenols improve gut health and digestion. They also help control weight and boost immunity. Here’s all you need to know about the healing power of onions.

1 Medical reasons why Onion is good for health

Most of the beneficial substances in onions like flavonoids and sulfur compounds have been linked to anti-carcinogenic properties as well as acting as agents of anti-inflammation and anti-allergy. Onions are full of antioxidants that kill free radicals in the body. Onions are rich in potassium that work as an electrolyte, improves blood pressure, prevents stroke, improves metabolic function, a balanced central nervous system and contributes to muscle building too.
The main flavonoids present in onions is quercetin whose powerful antioxidant action improves cardiovascular health, reduces cholesterol and has anti-carcinogenic properties. As a result, Onion is great for weight loss too.

2 Here’s how to use an onion for ear infection

Take a large onion, peel it and cut in half. Then scoop out the insides with only the last 3 rings remaining. Set your oven at 300 degrees and heat the onion for 15 minutes until it is steaming hot. Remove it and wrap it in a clean towel and place it over the infected ear till the pain is relieved. You can even use this same remedy for coughs and colds.
Onion for Hair Growth
  • Juice extract of 1 onion
  • 1 tsp honey
  • A drop of essential oil for flavor such as lavender, cinnamon etc
  • Mix well and massage into scalp
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel and leave overnight
  • Shampoo and rinse off the next morning
  • Repeat thrice a week for a few months till you see results.
  • Onion of soothing and healing burns
The antiseptic healing powers of onion will prevent infection, soothe the skin and induce faster healing. Rub fresh onion on burns for instant pain relief.

3 Onion for reducing toxicity of insect bites and stings

Believe it or not, the onion even has the potency to neutralize sever insect stings. Even local non lethal scorpion stings can be neutralized by rubbing a fresh onion immediately all over the sting. The chemicals in the onion reduce inflammation, pain and itching.

4 Use Onion for reducing scars and stretch marks

Onions are effective against scarring as a result of wounds and surgery. Just mix 10 gms of soap with 3 grams of salt. Chop the onion in small equal sizes and mix all three ingredients to form a mixture. Place the mixture in room temperature water for 15 minutes after which remove and add to cold water for five minutes. Blend and the strain. The residue liquid will be pure onion extract which should be applied on the marks once daily.
If your skin itches or red marks and blotches appear, then stop the treatment immediately. Always consult your dermatologist for any new herbal treatment as a mark of precaution. The healing powers of onion are well known in most herbal remedies and consuming it in salads or daily will also contribute to good health.
This trick that we are going to present to you will eventually save your life. It is very simple trick and you should definitely take it into account in order to obtain the life benefits of it. Here are more details in regards to this trick.
You should know that this trick is actually originating from a reader and we have tested which proved to be great.
He said that the normal thing to do when there is a big hurricane you should pack your bags and leave the house. In fact, if you want your food to remain in the fridge when you return you should definitely do the trick that we are going to present to you.
This exceptionally basic technique can save your food once the power goes out. We all know that the fridge can’t work without power and it could spoil your food in the fridge. The problem is that you will never know whether there was power while you were out and whether your food might be spoiled.
The reader’s name was Mickey Johns who is from North Carolina. He is claiming that this trick requires two things from you: a cup of water and a quarter. You will need to put the water in the freezer and let it freeze. Next, you should take it out and put the quarter on top of the ice. Afterwards you should return the ice in the freezer.
Most probably you might think that this trick doesn’t make sense, but wait for the details. The first moment you return home you will notice the location of the quarter. If it is on the bottom of the cup it means that the food in the fridge is not safe for eating.
In case the quarter remain in the middle it is most likely that your food is safe for use. It is up to you to decide whether you keep the food or your dispose it.
If you notice that the quarter is in the same place where you have left it, on top of the cup, then you shouldn’t worry about anything. This means your fridge remained the needed temperature to keep the food.
We really hope you liked this trick and we hope it will help you save your food.