Gray hairs are usually a sign of getting old which is normal thing if the graying process starts on time. However, nowadays, premature graying has become very frequent occurrence as a result of various health conditions and poor nutrition. 
It can be caused by hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, sinusitis, chronic colds, stress, pollution, smoking, and the use of inappropriate hair products. Furthermore, the appearance of gray hairs may be a result of low amounts of melanin.
No matter what the reason is for the occurrence of gray hair, it can become a real nightmare for many women since they are the first signs of the aging process. Because of that, most of the ladies will try almost anything to solve this cosmetic issue. For that reason, there are many available products on the market that can cover gray hairs, but unfortunately the effect does not last for long, and the process needs to be repeated each month or even less than a month. Not to mention the fact that there are many side effects of the constant use of chemical hair products, and on top of this most of these products are very expensive.
Therefore, replace these products consisted of harsh chemicals with a more natural alternative. Yet, you have to be aware of the fact that you need to consume a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet.
Try the following natural remedy which is comprised solely on two powerful ingredients which are extremely effective for this issue.
Coconut Oil and Lemon Mixture
Needed Ingredients:
  • organic coconut oil
(We cannot specify the exact amount as it varies on the length of the hair)
  • 3 teaspoons organic lemon juice ( freshly squeezed)
Just mix both ingredients till you obtain compact texture. Next, apply the prepared mix to your hair and massage it into your scalp. Leave it to act for 1 hour. In the end, rinse it off by using a mild shampoo. You need to repeat this treatment once a week.
Advantages of Lemon and Coconut Oil
Lemon juice has the ability to prevent premature graying. Due to the content of vitamin B, vitamin C, and phosphorus content, the lemon juice effectively nourishes the hair and treats the cause of gray hair.
Coconut oil is abundant with anti-microbial properties, auric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids, which have the ability to improve the condition of your hair. Thanks to this ability the coconut oil can condition the scalp, strengthen the hair, promote hair growth, treat damaged hair, and restore the natural color of your hair. Further on, it successfully fights off dandruff thus leaving your hair soft and smooth.
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