Is your skin problematic? Skin tags, moles, warts, age spots and blackheads are only a sequence of more than 3000 skin problems that occur to people on a daily basis. When there is a change of the texture or the color of the skin, infection, allergic reactions and inflammation can appear on any place of the body. However, a lot of skin problems are temporary and treatable and these are some of the ways in which you can cure them.

 Natural cures for warts
Warts are a result of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which has somewhere over 100 types which affect people in different ways, but most often it depends on the immunity. Strains which cause the common warts are harmless to some extent, while other strains are much more serious. Since they are caused by a virus, they have the tendency to disperse to other body parts and to other people. If a certain medical treatments which contained chemicals did not help you, feel free to try these natural, home cures.
These cures are indeed helpful, but neither of them can help you overnight. However, they are far more helpful in the curing than to leave a wart to disappear on its own, which usually can last up to several months or even years, if it actually disappears in the first place. Approximately, a quarter of the warts disappear on their own in a period of six months, but a remaining third is still present around two years after they had first appeared. Moreover, children are most affected by this problem, since their immunity is still weak.


This is one of the most helpful cures for warts. It has anti inflammatory properties which help you to get rid of the viruses and bacteria which are the main reason for warts. The area where you apply vinegar should be washed, and then you soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and gently apply it on the warts. Then, you cover it with a bandage or duct tape and leave it for a period of one day. Do this before going to bed and remove the bandage in the morning. With this treatment, wards will disappear in a matter of several weeks.


This is a great herb for warts removal. Mash some garlic and apply on the wart and cover the area with a bandage. Repeat this process twice per day, until the warts are gone.


The method with applying the inside of the banana peel for successful removal of warts has been published in several medical journals. A lot of people rubbed the inner surface of the banana peel over the warts, several times per day and got rid of warts. What’s more, if you press the inside of the peel over the wart and tape it before going to bed, you can put an end to the warts. You remove the bandage in the morning and wash off the area. This procedure should be repeated until the wart starts to soften, about a week or so, and the wart should completely disappear for a few weeks to one month.


This is a scientifically proven method of warts removal. In one study, 61 patients with warts received either duct tape treatment or cryotherapy. After a period of two months, 85 percent of those people treated with duct tape had no warts at all, whereas only 60 percent of those with cryotherapy.
You apply a small piece of duct tape over the entire wart for 6 days, by replacing the tape as needed. After 6 days, the wart should be washed with water and then rubbed off with a pumice stone or an emery board. In the morning, you apply a new duct tape for another 6 days, and continue to do so for two months, or as long as the wart does not go away.


Organic Manuka honey, from New Zealand, is the best honey to use for warts removal, but another homemade raw honey should be helpful as well. Manuka Honey is one powerful types of honey when it comes to the concentration of its antibacterial properties. This is a very stable honey, unlike other types and it will not lose its benefits due to temperature changes. What’s more it is a kind of “occlusion therapy” which depraves the wart of oxygen and kills it.
  • A teaspoon of raw honey
  • Bandage
Cover the wart with a thick layer of honey and wrap it with a cloth and leave it for 24 hours by changing the bandage and reapplying honey, daily.


Skin tags are fleshy bumps whose size varies from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a pea. These tags are called acrochordons or cutaneous Papilloma and are more annoying than problematic.
Skin tags appear where the skin folds and there is a certain friction from clothing, such as in the area of the neck, groin, under the breasts or thighs and eyelids.
Diabetes in adults is often times connected with obesity and when we have excess weight we have more areas with skin folds and friction. Moreover, it is believed that there is some relation between HPV virus and skin tags. And, if someone in your family had a problem with skin tags, there is a great chance that you will experience this problem. Skin tags appear when our lymphatic system is congested, which makes a lot of sense. If there is a constant friction on the top layer of the skin, and there is toxic soup below, it is reasonable that a wart-like growth to appear.


Apply it twice per day with a cotton ball. It may sting at first, but it lowers with time and it takes 2 to 4 weeks for the skin tag to disappear.


Make a mixture from these two ingredients and apply it gently to the skin tags and cover it with bandage and continue to do this process until the skin softens.


Drop several drops of this oil onto a cotton ball previously moistened with water, and apply it to the skin tag and cover it with a bandage. The skin tag will become darker and it will fall off in a period of a week and a half.


Moles are harmless in general, without any problems concerning the health, but they are very problematic from an aesthetic point of view because a lot of people find them unpleasant. Medically named melanocytic nevi, moles can be black, brown or fresh-colored spots or patches on the skin which are caused by the melanocytes which are cells that produce the pigment-coloring substance i.e. melanin.  Moles appear by the age of 20 to 30. Their forms can be flat, rough, smooth, raised, and with or without hair. Genetics plays an important role, as well as hormonal fluctuations and sun exposure in their appearance and number. A lot of moles will fade and disappear as the person ages, but not always. Some of these natural cures can help you to put an end to moles.
Before you try these natural remedies you should inspect your moles for abnormal characteristic such as, asymmetry of the color, diameter or border. If there are some of these problems or the mole starts changing its shape or color without any treatment, consult a dermatologist so you can rule out the possibility of carcinogenic moles.  Never treat cancerous moles on your own!


Garlic is very helpful for mole removal since it has enzymes which help in the breaking down of the clusters of the pigment-producing cells. Also, it lightens the dark pigmentation.
Crush fresh garlic and apply it onto the mole and put a bandage and leave it overnight or four hours at least. Repeat this process for several days and the mole will fall off on its own. This method gives positive outcome only after five days of daily application. Do not forget to disinfect the area with ACV or another disinfectant before you repeat the process. Apply coconut oil to protect the skin around the mole.


A very popular cure for moles, which, due to its acidic compounds makes the mole fall off.
You soak a cotton ball in vinegar and put it on the mole and apply a bandage or medical tape and leave it during the night. This process should be repeated for 10 days or until the mole is gone.
You can also rub warm water on the mole or lightly scrape the surface with emery board and then put vinegar until it goes white. Leave it to dry on its own and repeat this process several times per day.


It removes moles, warts and skin tags since it dissolves and removes unusual growths and this method does not leave scars, but it can take a lot of time because it removes moles one layer at a time.
A little bit of baking soda and few drops of castor oil are mixed and also ground aspirin can be added. Then, gently apply it to the mole and leave it for few hours to dry and repeat this process twice per day for a period of one month. If you do not have baking soda, you can only use the castor oil.


You won’t have to hide the spots with makeup anymore or apply chemical peels or do laser treatments to remove these spots. Whether they are some stubborn acne or insect bite scars or age-related “liver spots”, these natural remedies will help you to get rid of them. These spots appear on the most exposed skin places such as, face, back, neck, shoulders, chest and hands. Exposure to sun, genetics and aging are some of the most common reasons for dark spots. Also, stress, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy and weak liver can play a major role in their appearance.
No one wants sun, acne, age or chicken pox spots all over their skin. Luckily there are ways to remove them and the best part is the fact that you make this treatment in your home.


Lemon juice’s acidity has been used as a organic bleacher for lightening of dark spots. You squeeze the juice of the lemon and soak a cotton ball in it and you apply it to the dark spots which you have, twice per day. The lemon juice should be fresh, not bought from the store, unless you are 100 percent sure it’s organic.


It helps in the regeneration of the skin and that is why it is very helpful in the removal of dark spots, especially those caused by overexposure to sun.
Rub aloe vera gel on the spots and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off the area with cold water, and repeat this twice per day within one month and you will notice improvement afterwards. Aloe vera juice can be used if you cannot acquire aloe vera gel.


This is an anti aging ingredient and an antiseptic which can lower hyper pigmentation and thus will liberate you from the dark spots. You mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder, two teaspoons of rosewater, one teaspoon of glycerin and lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the dark spots and leave it to dry naturally. Than wash off with cold water and repeat few times per week until the dark spots are gone.
Also, you can mix one tablespoon of orange juice, one teaspoon of lemon juice and the content from two vitamin E capsules, and two tablespoons of sandalwood powder and apply from this mixture onto the spots and leave it for a half an hour and then wash off. Repeat this several times per week until you notice improvement. Additionally, massage the spots with few drops of sandalwood oil mixed with one tablespoon of olive or almond oil, before bedtime and leave it like that overnight.


Mix horseradish with apple cider vinegar and pure raw honey. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto a cotton ball and use it like any other toner, massaging your entire face. After that, treat all the dark spots with the mixture from horseradish and leave it to soak for 20 minutes. Then, wash off your face and put SPF if you plan to leave the house, since these ingredients make your skin sensitive to UV rays.


Red onion is full of acidic compounds and helps in the removal of dark spots. Blend one red onion and dip a cotton swab into the juice and apply to every dark spot or dark area. Leave it onto the skin for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. If you are persistent you will notice how the dark spots will start to disappear.


The pores help us to remain clean by removing waste including dead skin cells. The sebaceous glands under our skin release an oil-sebum which usually attaches to dead skin cells. Then, these dead skin cells get removed from the body through the pores and this process maintains our skin healthy.
However, building up of dirt from makeup, pollution, etc. can lead to the clogging of the pores, i.e. the glands continue to produce the sebum, but the sebum cannot leave the skin which causes an infection in the form of pimples, acne or blackheads. Often times, hormonal changes lead to surplus oil production by the glands, but, there are ways to get rid of clogged pores so that the skin can be dirt-free. These are some of the home cures which can make your skin healthy and glowing.


One of the best ways to help you put an end to clogged pores is this way. It opens the pores so that the dirt can be released from the skin. This is also the cheapest solution for clogged pores.
  • Hot water
  • 1 bowl
  • Towel
Clean your face, removing dirt or makeup. Take the bowl with hot water and put it on the table at a comfortable height for you. Then, sit down and lean over the bowl and cover your face with the towel. The steam should affect your face and the towel will maintain the steam directed onto your face. You can add several drops of essential oil so that the steaming is more effective. For example, tea tree oil. Steam your face for 10 to 15 minutes, by giving yourself breaks whenever you feel that you cannot stand the heat. Pat your face when you are finished, and relax for several seconds. Apply toner of apple cider vinegar and then apply coconut oil. Over steaming can cause dry skin and it is not recommended. Once or twice a week is enough.


In this way you also remove the surplus dirt in the skin-dead skin cells. One way is dry brushing your skin with a dry facial brush, but the brush should have soft bristles from natural fibers. The skin is sensitive and some brushes can be harsh for the sensitive skin on the face, and whenever you buy a brush, be sure that the brush is especially made for face use.
Clean your face and pat dry. Gently brush in circular movements, especially on the places where the skin is dry and clogged. Be careful around the eyes area and after you are finished, wash off the face with cool water and at the end apply coconut oil.


Facial scrubs are a good way to exfoliate your skin if you do not want to use brushes. Homemade scrubs are better than those sold in the stores. Sugar is one of the safest scrubbing ingredients for facial skin and opening of clogged pores. It breaks up scar tissue. You can freely add one or more ingredients to make it more effective.
2 tablespoons of sugar
½ of squeezed lemon for juice
Crush the sugar and form a powder and add the lemon juice and add water to make a thick paste and then apply onto the face and massage it for 5 minutes. Then, wash off the skin with cool water and apply coconut oil when you are finished.
Shaving removes the top layer of dead skin cells and this is an excellent way to exfoliate the skin. An aesthetic doctor, Michael Prager, with a practice in London, claims that from an anti-aging point of view, shaving has effect since it is kind of a mild form of microdermabrasion which encourages collagen production and this lowers the number of wrinkles. Collagen is stimulated so it can help in the cell renewal, whenever there is some trauma to the skin.
This is one of the reasons why the skin of men, from the age of 30 and 40, looks better than women’s skin since the constant exfoliation removes the wrinkles. Shaving can prevent the spreading of acne. For some acne cases, shaving is able to help you get rid of whiteheads and blackheads from the face. Never shave areas which are sore or infected. Shaving can help make-up application to go more easily, since it helps the products to absorb better and the skin will become lighter and softer.
Does facial hair grow back thicker?
No! This claim that the facial hair grows back thicker and darker is just a myth. Health expert, dermatologist Jessica Wu, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California Medical School in Los Angeles, stated that shaving your body hair does not make it grow darker or thicker. This fact is also backed up by a research from 1920, which had measured how quickly hair shafts grew after shaving and it lead to the fact that it had no effect on hair growth. Another study published in 1970, had studied five men who shaved one of their legs weekly, per several months and left the other leg unshaved. There was no actual difference in the rate of hair growth or texture between the two legs.
This has been a common belief since when hairs grow out and become longer, they taper to a certain point, so they look thinner. However, shaving hair, cuts the follicle at a blunt angle so the hairs appear thicker. When a shaved hair grows again, the bluntness is thicker and coarse, and therefore it looks as if it is darker, but it is simply because it is more noticeable.
The hair is dead, and shaving does not affect the living part of it-follicle which is under the skin. The size of the follicle from which the hair grows, determines how thick the hair will be.
If you are ready to shave your face, Neal Schultz, M..D. a cosmetic dermatologist in NYC recommends:
Wet the face which will soften the hairs and moisturize the skin. Apply shaving gel, cream or cleanser oil onto your face which will help you with friction and it will not allow your skin to become irritated. Use the razor in the direction in which the hair grows, and shave subtly and against growing direction for a close shave. After you are finished, rinse your face and repeat it at least twice per month, but it can be done every day if you can do it. Moreover, always wash your razor by dipping it in 90 percent rubbing alcohol after every use.
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