Numerous studies proved that nutritional ketosis is the answer to different heart issues, starting with obesity. A ketogenic diet is a diet that changes the metabolic engine of your body from burning carbohydrates to burning fats.
Having a ketogenic diet means that 50-70% of your food intake will come from beneficial fats including avocado, organic pastured eggs, coconut oil, grass-pastured butter, and raw nuts like pecans and macadamia nuts.
The intake of carbs is very minimal so your body will be able to burn fat for energy, meaning that there is a little sugar in the system blocking the body from using fat in favor of burning sugar.
During this process, the body produces ketones, made from fats that are processed in the liver.
Many experts claim that the final goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state. We do this through starvation of carbohydrates, not through starvation of calories.
The human body is very adaptive to what you put into it. This means that if you overload your body with fats and eliminate carbohydrates, it will start to burn ketones as the main energy source.
Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet 
1. Leads to Weight Loss
One of the simplest and most effective ways to lose weight is cutting carbs. Ketogenic diet requires low consumption of dietary carbohydrates; moderate of protein while the consumption of fat is increased. T
his encourages our body to remember how to rely on fat as a main fuel and to produce ketones from stored fat.
2. Fights Cancer
It is well known that cancer cells love sugar. Sugar encourages cancer growth by feeding tumors. This is the main reason why a diet with no sugar and other carbohydrates is considered as effective in fighting and preventing sugar.
The regular cells in our body have the ability to use fat for energy while cancer cells can’t metabolically change to use fat.
The Redox Biology published a study in which Dr. Eugene Fine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine claims that ketone bodies change the availability of energy processes in cancer cells, thus stop cancers. The results were promising in the case of a colon, gastric, and prostate cancer.
The team of Dr. Fine published a preliminary paper claiming that an insulin-inhibiting diet is feasible and safe in certain patients with advanced cancer. The extent of ketosis, but not weight loss or calorie deficit or, correlated with a stable disease or partial remission.
3. Protects your brain
The high-fat, low-carb way of eating is also beneficial for treating other neurological disorders. Behavioral Pharmacology published a study which showed that ketogenic diets can minimize the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
According to a study, patients who suffer from Parkinson’s followed a 4-to-1 ketogenic diet. The results showed that after 1 month of having this diet, they experienced 43% improvement in their symptoms. Also, there are a number of studies which proved that ketogenic diet is beneficial for autism.
It is considered that autism shares some features with epilepsy, and there are a lot of people with autism who experience seizures associated with the over-excitement of brain cells. A study has found that a majority of children with autism experienced improvement after having a ketogenic diet for 6 months.
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